
food that support skin health

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Healthy skin is smooth, with no breaks in the surface. It is warm (not hot or red) and neither dry and flaky nor moist and wrinkled. Healthy skin is a mirror of a healthy body.
Your skin is much more than an outer surface for the world to see. It protects you from bacteria, dirt and other foreign objects and the ultraviolet rays of the sun, and contains the nerve endings that let you know if something is hot or cold, soft or hard, sharp or dull. Your skin also plays an important role in regulating your body's fluids and ­temperature.
 Below the smooth, hairy outer skin, or epidermis, that we see every day is a thick, strong and elastic layer of tissue known as the dermis. The dermis is richly supplied with blood vessels, sweat and oil glands, and nerve endings.

To keep your skin healthy, eat a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of protein foods, fruits and vegetables (fresh if possible) and liquids. If you are having a skin problem, such as a pressure sore or a healing surgical incision, you should increase your intake of protein (lean meats, dairy foods and legumes), carbohydrates (breads, cereals), vitamins A, C and E, and zinc. Extra iron may be needed if you are anemic

The skin is served by a large number of blood vessels, and adequate circulation is needed to maintain skin health. You can help ensure a healthy blood supply by considering the following suggestions:
  i.Smoking - DON'T! Nicotine in cigarettes causes blood vessels to get small (constrict) and prevents blood, oxygen and nutrients from flowing to the body tissues.

  ii.Anemia (a decrease in red blood cells). Oxygen is essential for skin health, and is carried by red blood cells. A decrease in their number means less oxygen gets to the skin, which means that skin cells may become unhealthy or even die. Anemia should be evaluated and treated by your health care provider.

iii.Vascular Disease , or a narrowing of the blood vessels, can be caused by diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure or elevated cholesterol. The result is decreased blood flow to the skin. Work closely with your health care provider to manage conditions that can lead to vascular disease and cause skin problems.
 Avoid soaps labeled "antibacterial" or "antimicrobial." These tend to reduce the skin's acidity, which acts as a protection from infection.

Keep the skin clean and dry. Wash with soap and water daily, then rinse and dry thoroughly.

Rashes can be caused by tapes, soaps, fabrics or other irritants. Total body rashes may result from food or drug allergies. Consult your health care provider for treatment of these and any other rashes you may have.

Avoid using items that may dry the skin - for example, harsh soaps or alcohol based products such as lotions.

Lubricate dry skin with moisturizing creams or ointments.Use care in applying creams over bony areas, since they may soften the skin and promote skin breakdown.

Avoid using talc powders, as they may support yeast growth. They can also "cake up" and keep moisture in, causing skin breakdown.

Trevo help to restore,renew and revive  your skin healthy through the following ingredients
Blueberries Fight Aging Skin
Antioxidants help fight the signs of aging skin, and blueberries are a great source. Rich in vitamin C, blueberries can play a healthy role in an otherwise decadent dessert and taste great as a cereal topping and tossed into salads. Other sources of antioxidants that you can include in your healthy diet are red wine and dark chocolate. Kaufman-Janette also offers this tip: Eating fruits and veggies in their fresh, raw form provides more antioxidants than when cooked.
Green Tea Helps Skin and Overall Health
Green tea has two benefits for your skin: It contains antioxidants, which may fight the effects of aging, and drinking it is a good way to stay hydrated. When given the option, choose green tea over beverages that don’t promote skin health. This is one of Kaufman-Janette’s recommended strategies for healthy skin — and overall health. She says, “If you can substitute a good choice at every single meal for a bad choice, you’ll start to look and feel healthier.”

Broccoli Helps Fight Fine Lines
Broccoli and other green vegetables are great for the skin. The richer the color of veggies and fruits, the more likely they are to contain the nutrients you need for a healthy diet. “Darker is better,” Kaufman-Janette stresses. Darker broccoli florets provide more vitamins A and C, and both of these vitamins help fight fine lines and wrinkles.
Vitamin D Slows Skin Aging
Vitamin D isn't found naturally in the diet, but it is important for healthy skin, especially as people age, says Kaufman-Janette. People usually get Vitamin D through sun exposure, but if you live in a less sunny area or stay inside a lot, you need to get it through your diet. You can drink vitamin D-enriched beverages, eat foods fortified with vitamin D, or take a supplement in order to help slow the aging process on your skin.
Olive oil
When researchers in a 2012 study in PLOS ONE analyzed the diets of 1264 women, they found that a higher consumption of olive oil (more than 8.4 grams or 2 teaspoons a day) was associated with 31% fewer signs of aging compared to people who ate less than 3.8 grams (about 1 teaspoon). Olive oil beat out the other oils tested, including sunflower and peanut. Why? About 75% of the fat in olive oil is monounsaturated fatty acids, which may play a role in the youth boost. The antioxidant polyphenols in olive oil could also quench damaging free radicals.
It’s one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, nutrients that absorb and neutralize the free radicals created by UV light—including the wavelengths that actually get through sunscreen and reach your skin, according to research in Clinics in Dermatology. Plus, just one cup gives you 134% and 133% of your daily value for skin-firming vitamin C and A, respectively. (Take your kale to a new level with chef Sam Talbot's crunchy kale chips recipe.)

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